Oct 14, 2007

Une petite melodie

When you were INSIDE,
we use to roll this little ball over your warm roof.
And a magical sound, like a morning rain falling on petals, would come.
I was hoping this mysterious music would make you want to come to this world...

Quand tu etais au DEDANS, nous fesions rouler cette petite balle au dessus de ton nid douillet.
Alors, un son magique, tel la rosee douce dansant sur des petales, s'elevait. J'esperais que ce son mysterieux te ferait venir plus vite en notre monde...

What are you made from ?

What is inside ?
The mystery inside the ball is like the mystery of pregnancy.

Le meme mystere : qu'y a t il a l'interieur ? De quoi es tu faite ?
Les memes questions que je posais a mon ventre rond.

AND NOW, you are here... And you ask this magic ball the same questions... Where does this beautiful music come from ?

Oct 7, 2007

Bon Anniversaire Mamie !!!!

Un bisou et un digadigoudigou (la phrase du moment) pour ma mamie que je verrai tres bientot !!

The Very Hungry Caterpiller

Thanks to Auntie Rachel for the book.